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An Adult Faith Enrichment Opportunity for the National Eucharistic Revival

This year in the National Eucharistic Revival is all about fostering Eucharistic devotion at the parish level, strengthening our liturgical life through the faithful celebration of the Mass, and helping each of us to have the confidence to go out into the world and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord through everything we say and do. 

Jesus and the Eucharist is a dynamic, 7-session study designed to help you connect with fellow disciples as you fall deeper in love with our Eucharistic Lord. Immerse yourself in the beauty of our faith through presentations from some of the most engaging voices in the Catholic Church and explore the mystery of the Eucharist in a new way as part of this National Eucharistic Revival.

Session One begins Thursday, February 8, 2024
6 to 8 pm in the St. John Bosco Cafeteria
Please enter though Door G.
Refreshments will be served.

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© 2023 by St. John Bosco Catholic Church of Hammond, Indiana

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