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Planning A Funeral Liturgy at St. John Bosco Parish

Our deepest sympathies on the loss your family is experiencing. During this time of grief, be assured that we will be lifting your loved one up in prayer as a parish community.

During these fragile moments of life, many practical questions arise. The first thing we advise is to please contact a licensed funeral director. Many of the questions you have, they are best equipped to answer. Here at St. John Bosco, we work with all licensed funeral directors, but the ones we work most closely with are:

            Solan-Pruzin Funeral Home & Crematory

            7109 Calumet Ave., Hammond, IN 46324

            (219) 322-7766


            LaHayne Funeral Home

            6955 Southeastern Ave., Hammond, IN 46324

            (219) 845-3600


We also recommend burial or interment at our Diocese of Gary-owned cemetery, where we celebrate Mass each Memorial Day:

            St. John – St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery

            1547 167th St., Hammond, IN 46320

            (219) 844-9475

The Funeral Mass

As you plan your loved one’s funeral liturgy, be advised that funerals at St. John Bosco Church usually begin at 10 a.m., in order to accommodate the parish’s daily schedule. Funerals may begin at 10:30 or as late as 11 a.m., depending on the schedule of our Catholic cemetery. On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, a time of visitation at St. John Bosco may be scheduled beginning at 9 a.m. On Wednesday and Friday during the school year, visitations may be scheduled beginning at 9:30 a.m.


For the funeral liturgy itself, we have a set reading sequence that alleviates some of the pressure on grieving families. Family members may read, or lectors from the parish may read.

  • First Reading: Wisdom 3:1-9 The souls of the just are in the hand of God.

  • Second Reading: Romans 8:31b-35, 37-39 Nothing will ever separate us from the love of God.

If your family would like to select special readings, those options can be viewed by clicking the links below:

First Reading (Old Testament)

Second Reading (New Testament)

Additional scripture passages may be used with the pastor's permission.

The presider reserves the privilege of selecting the Gospel reading.

Once you have made your selections, we ask you inform the parish office, so the readings can be placed on the ambo for the funeral liturgy.

© 2023 by St. John Bosco Catholic Church of Hammond, Indiana

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